Art and Crafts Session 19 August 2023

By Echidna Sixer Benjamin

It was about 8.50am when everyone got into the Kidzone. The Senior Sixers, Ewan and Donald, blowed the whistle to get everyone in horseshoe. I had to keep on arranging my members uniform as it was not properly done. After the parade, we went into Indian File.
Kaa then announced that we were going to make Farewell Gifts for the P6 scouts. We had to write a letter and decorate a frame for them.
We went into our Six corner and started the decorations. It was hard to control the Six as everyone was walking around and talking to each other. However, I managed to control them after a few tries. Once we were done, we had to display our artworks in front of our Six.
Next Bagheera handed the time to the Senior Sixers to lead the pack. The Senior Sixers decided to call all the sixers out and lead the pack in singing song.
We ended off with the Sunset Party and had to go for six council.
