Packing & Pioneering, 6thApr2019

By Chong Min Rei Senior Sixer and Scribe

It was a normal Saturday morning. I was curious as we were supposed to bring some clothes. I was talking to some of the Akela candidates and found out they had their First Aid Badge test. Most of them were sixers so when getting ready we had to appoint acting sixers. As none of Possum’s sixer and assistant sixer were available to do colour party so we had last minute plans and changed to Wallaby. After colour party, all assembled together. Mr Cheong told us the plan and we moved to the PAL room for the meeting. The first part of the meeting, we learnt to fold clothes so it would be easier to fit more clothes in our camp backpack and the clothes will not roll out.

Mr Cheong us a new method to fold the clothes in a snug and tight bundle. Before teaching us, he brought a backpack that could last a 3 days 2 night camp, Baloo even said it could last 5 days and 4 nights. He also showed to us what we should bring inside a camp backpack and what were the uses. After explaining, he taught us how to fold the clothes. We then took out our clothes and tried to fold it. Having a little trouble, I asked for help from one of the acting sixers, after being taught I got the hang of it and tried it many times until I got it.

After awhile, we moved on to the next activity, pioneering. Mr Tan to use how we could use pioneering to build structures like ziplines, he even told us some scouts made a Ferris wheel and invited the president to ride it. Not long after telling us how we could us pioneering in our life, he told us how to tie a square lashing. Finally, we could tie our own square lashing with satay sticks and twine. I tried to tie 4 sticks together. It took hard work and patience, slowly, I finished tie the 4 square lashing. About an hour passed and it was close to the end of the meeting, so we cleaned up the PAL room and went back to the Kidzone. We closed the meeting by ending with sunset party.
