First Aid & Knotting 17thApr2021

Written by Kei Rui Min, Senior Sixer & Scribe

This Saturday morning, we gathered bright and early at the Kidzone. Even though it was still early, there were already many people taking their badge tests. Before long, it was time for the colour party. We blew our whistles and every one hurried to gather in horseshoe position. After the flag break, we lined up again in Indian file.

After attendance taking, we had our six corner. The sixers taught the new cubs how to tie the knot on the left side of the scarf and continued encouraging each other to complete their proficiency and progress badges. Then we gathered again. This time, we were split into Pack 1 and Pack 2. 

Pack 1 was sent to Kidzone 2 while the rest of us stayed in Kidzone 1. Bagheera taught us different bandages we could do with our scarf (triangular bandage). First, he demonstrated the arm sling. He told us to ensure that the person’s arm was parallel to the ground. Also, we were told that the reef knot should be tied at the hollow part behind our neck. I learnt the importance of leaving 3 fingers outside the bandage. That way, we can observe if blood was flowing to the arm. We also practiced the head bandage. Afterwards, we practiced the bandages on one another.

Next, we exchanged venues with Pack 1. At Kidzone 1, Dragonheart revised the reef knot and sheet band with us. Then, the sixers were tasked to teach the new cubs the knots with the shoelace that we had been instructed to bring. Before long, everyone got the hang of it and some of us could even tie the knots behind our backs! 

Then, we all gathered again in Kidzone 1. There, Grey Wolf taught us a new game called “Pirate Ship”. We had to gather in small groups of a certain number of people when different commands were shouted. I took some time to familiarise myself with the actions but I could remember them after a while. The game tested our teamwork, memory and speed. I had a whale of a time. Finally, I breathed a sigh of relief when the game ended and I had not been forced to walk the plank. 

After a round of the game, we had our sunset party and sixer’s council. We were also told to brush up on our knotting as there would be a mini pioneering competition next week. We had to practice for the first aid competition too. 

