Mini Pioneering 20thJun2020

Written by Thirrushan, Senior Sixer & Scribe
It was going to be the third official Zoom scout meeting! I was so excited and got ready 30 minutes before the meeting! We were going to do some simple craft. I got ready some twine and satay sticks. I started the meeting with the colour party. After that, we played a guess the animal game on Mentimeter! It was so fun and we really laughed a lot. We then went into our breakout room ( existing scouts) and started our A-frames for the rack. It was very fun and we laughed a lot. After we finished it with the help of Mr Tan we exited out of the breakout room. We had a briefing and exited from Zoom. It was a really fun experience that I will miss. I can’t wait for the next  meeting!
