
Showing posts from August, 2010

Scout Meeting 28th Aug 2010

Written by Scribe Leader Brenda Wang. Scout Meeting, 28th August 2010 As I entered the Kid zone, I wondered what will be the highlight of this week's scout meeting. Neither the emails sent to parents nor the scout notice board provided information on this week's scout meeting. The preparation for the coming continual assessment 2 had tired me out, but nevertheless, the long queue in front of Akela with their test booklets in their hands was getting longer and longer. Everyone was trying to get their badges done before the scout meeting started. Meanwhile, we, the sixers encountered some problems with the flag. Just as we succeeded, someone accidentally pulled the wrong string, causing the flag to break. Sigh! We managed to "untangle" ourselves from this mess with some help from Akela. After horseshoe, we got into the usual Indian file. Akela proceeded to give out the numerous badges. I was glad that many people had started to take their arrow badges compared to ...

Visit to NEWater Centre 21st Aug 2010

This blog was written by Kimberly Song 21 st August 2010, the day we are going for our NEWater centre visit! Everything happened as usual except for a thing or two. When I arrived in school many cheerful faces greeted me. Some of the cubs were eager to complete their badges and they had already formed a straight line infront of Akela, waiting patiently for their turn to do their badge tests. Congratulations to those who had earned more badges!! Yay!! I helped 2 of the senior sixers, Brenda and Sue-Jane, to arrange the NEWater forms by sixes. When we were done, it was time to settle down. After being given a brief on what would happen at the NEWater centre, the 3 senior sixers counted the number of cubs. Akela was pretty shocked at the number of cubs present; less than half of the scout unit was here! Oops!! 7:30am, more latecomers arrived! It was pretty bad, not only were they late, some didn't bring their haversack and water booklet. To add fuel to fire, some weren't ev...

14th August 210

By Scribe Jeremy Tan (AS-EMU) The Spirit of Singapore comes alive in Aug 2010. Two important "Live Our Dreams, Fly Our Flag" events made Singapore proud. The 2010 National Parade (NDP) and the inaugural 2010 Youth Olympic Games (YOG). August 2010 is also the start of the sp irit month of the Hungry Ghost, a festival worshipped by many Chinese Singaporeans. It has a colourful and rich history. For many Cubs including myself , our dreams came true when we learnt that a Tokyo / Disneyland tri p to Japan is arranged for us from 21 st -28 th Nov 2010. Hurray! Another dream, a visit to the Newater Centre is scheduled on 21 st Aug 2010. The Newater Centre tells the journey Singapore struggled to become more self sufficient in water. The journey also resulted in the creation of Marina Barrage which facilitates Singapore's water management. These are examples of "Live Our Dreams, Fly Our Flag". We look forward to "live our dreams". At 9:00 ...

Crime Prevention and Visit to Fire Station

[This blog was written by our scribe, Marcus Choo] With my Sixer stripes fir mly stitched onto my uniform, I wore my Scout uniform with an extra ounce of pride today. I had missed last week's meeting due to some family circumsta nce so this week is the first time I'm attending scout meeting as Sixer and I'm really excited. I rushed my dad to bri ng me to scho ol early as I want to set a good example to my Six about punctuality . A Youth Olympic Poster At around 9a m , attendance was ma rked. Despite Akela's reminders, a few cubs still failed to sub mit their consent forms for our visit to the Queenstown Police Station and Fire Station…Sigh… [One Cub was sent home as he could not produce the consent form for this outing] Ak ela then gave out so me bad ges – I got m y Gold Arrow! Yes! – and soon it was time to set o ff. We were all very excited to b e vi siting the Police Station and especially so for the Fire Station. As we are a large pack, we were divided in t...