Unit Camp Day 3 19 November 2023

By HPPelican Alumni Wang Ziyi

The day kicked off at 6:15 am, as I dragged myself to the toilet to get ready for the day. We had breakfast, before packing up and cleaning our campsite, which was a whirlwind of chaos, memories and teamwork.
Then came the highlight of the day, which was the games. For the game that I was in charge of, one team had to hide a few items, while the other had to find them. Despite some cubs having to struggle to contain their excitement and eagerness, the fun was palpable, and the event was a great reminder of their team spirit.
As an alumni helping out, I gained a new level of respect for all the event planners having seen and experienced first hand how much effort and planning they had put in to make this camp possible. I have also learnt that the essence of the camp isn't just about having fun or being disciplined. More importantly is the fostering of friendships and teamwork between each and every cub.
