Badge Test 29 July 2023

Written By: Senior Sixer Donald Or

It was around 8.50 a.m in the morning when everyone came flocking into the Kidzone. The newly appointed senior sixers blew the whistle at 9.00 a.m to get everyone into horseshoe formation. The unit still had to move faster as some of the sixes were just playing with each other at the back and not paying attention. Ikki had to spend a long time checking on the cub’s uniforms and positioning. He also had to get the unit to settle down.
After the whole unit was ready, the senior sixers asked Bilby’s sixer to do the Colour Party. The senior sixers and sixer saluted to the flag and recited the scout promise and law. They then did one minute of silence. Afterwards, the whole unit went into Indian file formation and Ikki taught all the sixers how to settle the six down properly and how to take attendance. After all the sixers had taken attendance, the leaders told them about the activities for the day. There were going to be 4 different stations, conducted by some leaders.
The sixers led their six to the different stations after the briefing. The different sixes had to rotate stations with each other every 20 minutes. The first station was with Dragonheart. He taught the sixes how to tie different knots such as the clove hitch and the square lashing. The second station was with Bagheera. he also taught the sixes how to tie other knots. The third station was conducted by Hathi. She talked and briefed the six members on how to complete the progress badges. The fourth and final station was conducted by Grey Wolf and Kaa in the computer lab. Kaa let the sixes use the computer to do some research to hopefully complete 1-2 activities of the progress badges there. She even let the sixes sign off some badges.
After all the sixes were done with all 4 stations, The senior sixers blew the whistle for the whole unit to get into horseshoe formation. They asked Bilby's sixer to do the Sunset Party. They unlatched the flag and saluted it. The senior sixers then announced that there would be a sixer's council however only sixers and senior sixers needed to stay back. The rest of the unit then rushed off.
