Solar Oven Competition, 4Aug2018

Written by Thirrushan, Asst Sixer & Scribe

Today was going to be the very first time I was going to cook something in a solar oven as i didn’t come for last years NORTH AREA SOLAR OVEN COMPETITION!! Firstly,I came extra early to try to finish my book readers badge as I needed it for my Akela Award,since I had already completed my gold arrow! Just as i was going to complete the last segment, Kai Fong blew the whistle,signalling all cubs to assemble in a horseshoe. I was not upset that I did not finish my proficiency badge as i still had half a year more to complete it!

After the colour party, we assembled in our indian file. The cubs from another school joined us in the fun of the competition! We warmly welcomed our guests. After that Baloo explained to all of us how to set up the oven and its uses.

A while later,Baloo ordered the sixers to bring their sixs to different corners of the Kidzone to make the oven. Our sixer went for the Akela award, so I was the acting sixer of that day. After taking the necessary  materials to make the oven,I took my black shoe box which was to be used for the oven’s main body
Firstly, we glued and sticked some aluminium foil sheets on the inside of the box and the lid. Secondly,we made a hinge for the lid of the shoebox to make it be connected to the main box. Thirdly, we cut a small opening on the lid and put food wrap on the lid.Soon our oven was ready!

Soon we assembled back in indian file. Each six took turn to present their solar ovens. After that,we went out to the field  to place our solar ovens with eggs in them.
Then was lunch! We had a yummy lunch of crunchy chicken,vegetables,fragrant rice and tofu.After lunch we sang some songs and danced joyfully! Then,everyone's nightmares came alive, it started to rain! Now I was worried more for the box! Not about the cooking.Soon our real sixers arrived. We played a game of human Tic-Tac-Toe in th kidzone.Then,Yu Chong called me out to say that I was doing the blog! After the game, the sixers took the boxes back to the kidzone where we were assembled in indian file. Luckily the box was okay!

Soon the results arrived. It was 1st Emu, 2nd Wallaby/ Wombat & 3rd Chongfu Team 1. Then it was time for the awards ceremony! The Asst North Area Commissioner, Mr Ang Wee Jin gave out the awards.

Sadly, it was time for the fun to end. After the sunset party, I waved a goodbye to my friends.Bye!
