Handover Ceremony, 14July2018

Written by Chong Min Rei, Senior Sixer & Scribe

I had to come early to hand up my documents and log book for the Akela Award. While I was singing things off, the cubs came in one by one to the KidZone. Some went to play, some went to talk to their friends, some went to queue up to sign things off their yellow book and help with the flag.

“Beep! Beep! Beep!” went the whistle. Everybody got into a Horseshoe, we then had colour party and got into Indian file. Baloo then explained how we should get our badges or our certificates and got our badges. After that, Baloo chose some sixers to lead songs and gave them comments and asked us how they did. We then had a game, we had a ball and a six will stand in the middle and we tried to roll the ball so when it hits the person’s leg they had to go out. It was really fun!

Not to long later, we got our appointments. When they were going to say the Assistant Senior Sixer and Senior Sixer, everybody was very excited. When they said my name, I was shocked and also happy. I got my whistle, certificate and badge, then we had our p6 handover ceremony, I got the flag and Trisha, our senior sixer gave me some advice and continued on with our ceremony. The most fun part was when we had the carry our p6 across the KidZone and after the ceremony. Baloo asked what they wanted from their leaders and I lead my first ever Sunset party. After that, we had our sixer’s council and went home.
