First Aid Activity & Progress Badges, 30th September 2017

Written by: Cheong Yew Chung, Assistant Sixer & Scribe

“Beep, beep” the Senior Sixers blew their whistles. We went to horseshoe formation and did
colour party. After colour party we played a game called “helium straw”. 

From the facial expression and laughter of everyone, we could see that everyone had a great time. It was also fun watching how each other try their ways and means to balance the straws.       
After the game of straw, we did some First Aid. Mr Cheong taught us how to use the scarf as a triangular bandage. We learnt to tie the head, arm and knee bandage. In the process, we had lots of fun. We ended the lesson with a First Aid Activity Game. Every Six needs to volunteer a victim and ties on him the bandages we have learnt earlier. For some Six, the “injured person” looks like a Mummy with all the bandages on him. Everyone learned new skills. The entire troop had fun doing the First Aid that can help them in future.              
For the remaining part of the activity, we worked on our Progress Badges. The unit was divided into 2 groups. One group without the Bronze Arrow and the other group had at least a Bronze Arrow. For the advanced group, Mr Cheong went through on what we could do for the Silver Arrow and things that  we already done and can sign our test off.                                      
After many minutes it was time to go home we did Sunset party and went home happily.             


