Labrador Park Hike, 29th August 2015
Written by: Nicole Yee, Assistant Senior Sixer & Scribe The day had finally arrived! This week, we were going to Labrador Park to have a little hike. We had some ‘special guests’ to guide us during the hike—the 01 scouts! After taking attendance, we proceeded to the two buses which would bring us to the park. After about a 30 minutes’ drive, we reached the park, where Chil briefed us about what was going to happen. First, we had to combine sixes into six groups. Then, each group was accompanied by two 01 scouts to learn map reading. I was apprehensive yet excited. Map reading? Sounds fun! I joined the combined six Wallaby and Wombat as my temporary group for the day. Our group got Justin and Dailon as ‘teachers’. They taught us how to find bearings, how to find checkpoints with some clues, and most importantly, how to plot a route. When we had more or less mastered what they had taught, we were given a booklet with a map. We were supposed to find our ...