Scout Quiz

Scout Quiz
13th August 2011

By Scribe Georgia Yew

Finally! the Senior Sixers blew their whistles and started the day. After the horseshoe, we lined up in Indian file and got ready. After the scouts received the badges they earned, six by six we left the Kids zone to the music room.

After much complaints, for the room being so hot we settled down to started the main activity for the day, the scout quiz. This game was a inter-six competition, as far as I knew although my Six has not been revising the facts for the quiz, we gave it our best shot!

After Akela explained the rules, we got ready for the first question. As the chosen scout from each Six ran to get their question from the SAenior Sixers, the rest of us took out what we had to answer the questions. The fist question had us all gaggled : we all didn't know how to answer it so we gave a random answer, hoping that we would get it correct. After they announced the results, we were disappointed that we did not get it correct although we guessed it correctly. I thought we cheered up as I encouraged our group. For the next question however, we got it correct and we used the joker-card that was given to us. As our score doubled because of the joker card, we were happy but we did not get the highest mark as we continued to linger at that number while other groups seemed to go higher.

When they showed us the scores we were not the first but we were happy for the other teams that were better than us. As we ended the day with horseshoe I thought about how great the day was I can't wait foe the next meeting!!!

NOte : Keith and Roshan did their Cook Badge test in the Home Econs room while we were at the Quiz, and both passed!!
