Diamond Jubilee Challenge Q1 on 8 March 2025
By Emu Sixer Zhe Yuan I arrived at school and was immediately greeted by my fellow cubs. I noticed they were discussing their yellow booklets and asking me questions about how to complete the requirements. I gave them a goal to work towards so they could earn their progress badges. Soon, the scout meeting was about to begin, and we gathered in a horseshoe formation. I saw that many of my cubs had poorly folded scarves, so, as a good role model, I stepped in to help and showed them how to fold their scarves properly. After the horseshoe, we gathered into Indian file to take attendance and then moved into our Six Corner. There, I had to teach my Six how to label their belongings, fold their scarves, and tie a thumb knot. After that, Hathi formed our groups for the Diamond Jubilee Challenge badge for Q1 2025. This year, we are focusing on Civics and Citizenship. Hathi engaged the cubs using technology, and in our groups, we used an iPad and the Nearpod app to play games that helped us lea...