
Shelter Building on 28 Sep 2024

By Emu Sixer Zhe Yuan When I arrived at school, I was warmly greeted by a group of my friends. After we recited the scout promise and law, we were divided into two groups: Year 1 and Year 2 together, while Year 3 formed the other group. The Year 1 and 2 scouts were learning how to set up a tent, while the Year 3 group focused on building a basha. I was part of the Year 3 group, where we learned about the knots needed for the sides and the purpose of a basha. Meanwhile, the Year 1 and 2 scouts engaged in a friendly competition to see who could set up their tent the fastest. After their competition, we held our own race to see who could build the basha the quickest. However, Ikki decided to join in and built his basha by himself, finishing it faster than all of us, despite there being six people in each of our groups! After all the excitement, we were instructed to tear down our bashas and return to a single line, known as “Indian file.” I reunited with my cubs and was thrilled to learn

Craft Project on 21 Sep 2024

By Kangaroo Sixer Jeremy Today, I attended my weekly scout CCA, where I reunited with my fellow scout members, and we chatted happily together. We started the meeting with a color party, which set a cheerful tone for the day. Next, we gathered to listen to our leaders' instructions about the activities planned for later. After that, we moved to "Six Corner" to discuss our upcoming art and craft projects. We were tasked with creating two items—Item A and Item B (I won't spoil the surprise for the P6 seniors!). Half of my group worked on Item A, while the other half focused on Item B. We poured our best efforts into both projects, and we felt proud of the final products. We were confident that the P6 seniors would love what we made! Once we finished, we tidied up the area, as there was some rubbish on the floor after our activity. We then headed to the library, where we practiced singing campfire songs with our leaders. It was a fantastic time filled with laughter and c

Badge Test & Crime Prevention Test on14 Sep 2024

By Koala Sixer Ng Kye At the start of our meeting, after the flag-raising ceremony, we took a few minutes for "Six Corner," a dedicated time for goal-setting and discussion. This allowed us to reflect on our objectives and share our aspirations with one another. Following this, we divided into two groups: the first-year scouts and those of us in our second, third, or fourth years. The first-year scouts were led to the 1B classroom, where Hathi went through the requirements for the Bronze Arrow, and many began working on their Bronze Arrow. As part of the more experienced group, we moved to the 1A classroom, where we engaged in a SCDF Crime Prevention test aimed at earning the Crime Prevention badge. This session was both informative and practical, equipping us with essential skills for recognizing and preventing crime, which are valuable not just in scouting but in our everyday lives. Once we completed the test, we switched places with the first-year group to participate in b

VIA Mid- Autumn Festival Celebration with elderly from AWWA on 07 Sep 2024

By Deputy Senior Sixer Zeqi  Today, we celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival with elderly guests from AWWA. To prepare for the event, we brought mooncakes as part of the celebration. The day began at 9 a.m. with a briefing from Hathi, who outlined the agenda. Grey Wolf then explained the rules for the game we would play with the seniors, demonstrating with the help of the sixers. The game involved each of us sitting opposite an elderly participant, sharing two ribbons with them—one end of each ribbon held by us and the other end by the senior. The objective was to transport a balloon from one end of the table to the other, passing it through a goalpost. Due to the limited number of elderly guests—35 in total—not all cubs could pair up with a senior. Consequently, some of us functioned as gamekeepers or gamemasters in separate groups. When the seniors arrived, we escorted them to the canteen, where we had set up the area for our activities. The game was a hit, and both the cubs and t

Knotting and Pioneering on 24 Aug 2024

By Echidna Sixer Theodore Pillay At the start of the meeting, we were split into three groups: Year 1, Year 2, and Year 3 cubs, with each group proceeding to a different skills station. Year 1s learned basic knots, including the Reef Knot, Clove Hitch, and Round Turn with Two Half Hitches. Year 2s learned the Clove Hitch and Square Lashing, while Year 3s focused on Square Lash and Tripod Knot. I was in the Year 3 group, where we learned some lashings to tie sticks together. Rama taught us how to make square lashings. After tying one lashing each, we combined our respective lashings to try and make a cube. Unfortunately, we ran out of time and couldn't complete it. Next, we built a tripod using sticks and a figure-of-eight knot. We combined two tripods and a stick to make a cooking stand/pull-up bar, which is known as pioneering. Afterward, we regrouped according to the different Progress Badges. The leaders of each progress badge guided the cubs on the requirements for each badge.

Games Day on 17August 2024

By Bilby Sixer Andre On 17 August 2024, it was Games Day! I arrived early at around 8.30a.m. to sign off my badges. I was eager to start the meeting as I wanted to take part in the activities with my friends. As soon as it was around 9, the scouts got into our horseshoe formation. After that, we got into Indian file as fast as light. Then, Rama explained the activities we had to do that day. There were 4 stations. Firstly, standing broad jump. Secondly, shuttle run for 50m. Thirdly, we had to skip for 50m and lastly, we had to sprint 50m. There was a point system: you get a maximum of 3 points per station and the lowest was 0. You must get at least 10 points out of the 4 stations to get a gold badge. For silver, we needed 8 points and for bronze, we needed 5 points. Next, the pack was split into groups. My group, Bilby, was paired with Echidna. We were then sent off to do the stations. Firstly, we did the standing broad jump which was pretty hard. The highest anyone got was 195cm. I go

2nd Hike on 03 August 2024

By Bilby Sixer Dmitri Tay On August 3, 2024, the scouts had their second hike of the year. All scouts were instructed to arrive at school early. I was very excited and eagerly looking forward to the hike, so I made sure to arrive early. At around 7:30 am, two huge buses arrived. Chil, the adult leader in charge of the hike, gathered us in front of the school library to check our items before we set off. By 8:00 am, we had arrived at Rifle Range, where we eagerly began our hike. The weather was perfect—not too sunny or rainy. After walking for approximately 2.5 km, we stopped at a very tall and large tower. The leaders asked us to ascend the tower in groups of six. When we reached the top, we were greeted by a breathtaking view. It was a wonderful experience for all of us. Afterward, we continued walking for a few more kilometers until we saw a large waterbody. Finally, we reached our destination—MacRitchie Reservoir. The leaders instructed us to take a break and have a small picnic. We