Scout Meeting 30th January 2010
Saturday, 30th January 2010 Acting Senior Sixer, Julian Tan called the meeting to order. Having forgotten his whistle, it was a challenge to call for the Horse Shoe. Nonetheless, Cubs fell in to start off the meeting. The Flag Break did not go very smoothly as the flag had been tied too tightly. Cubs would need practice! After reaffirming the Scout Promise and observing a moment's silence, Cubs fell in Indian file for the usual house-keeeping items such as attendance-taking and submission of the Scout Log Books. Echidna, Emu and Kangaroo did not submit their Scout Logs as the Cubs possessing the logs were absent. Cubs were reminded to place greater importance to the Scout Log and make appropriate arrangements to have them available for all Scout meetings. Akela briefed the recruits on the day's activity, while Baloo led the Cubs in reflecting the morning's Colour Party, the Scout Promise and the minute's silence. Cubs contributed their thoughts, ranging from praying fo...