20th Anniversary Dinner and P6 Send-off on 9 Nov 2024
By Possum Sixer Isaac Neo On Saturday, I arrived at school brimming with excitement and eager for the long-anticipated 20th anniversary celebration. Bagheera assigned us to the front gate to greet the esteemed guests as they arrived. After several rehearsals, we managed to coordinate our timing and get ready for the guests' entrance. When the VIPs showed up, our senior sixer, Zac, warmly welcomed Mr. Desmond, the Chief Commissioner, while the sixers saluted the gathering of dignitaries. After that, we headed to the school hall for the Gala Dinner. Inside the school hall, Baloo gave a speech that celebrated the achievements we've made over the past two decades. Shortly after, the Chief Commissioner inspired us with an uplifting talk about our history and future opportunities. Following this, we joined a Zoom meeting with Mr. Robert Koh, our Akela, before dinner. Baloo then kicked off the grand feast after sharing details about the meal arrangements. The Gala Dinner showcased a w...