Knotting and Pioneering on 24 Aug 2024

By Echidna Sixer Theodore Pillay

At the start of the meeting, we were split into three groups: Year 1, Year 2, and Year 3 cubs, with each group proceeding to a different skills station.
Year 1s learned basic knots, including the Reef Knot, Clove Hitch, and Round Turn with Two Half Hitches. Year 2s learned the Clove Hitch and Square Lashing, while Year 3s focused on Square Lash and Tripod Knot.
I was in the Year 3 group, where we learned some lashings to tie sticks together. Rama taught us how to make square lashings. After tying one lashing each, we combined our respective lashings to try and make a cube. Unfortunately, we ran out of time and couldn't complete it. Next, we built a tripod using sticks and a figure-of-eight knot. We combined two tripods and a stick to make a cooking stand/pull-up bar, which is known as pioneering.
Afterward, we regrouped according to the different Progress Badges. The leaders of each progress badge guided the cubs on the requirements for each badge. They encouraged all cubs to start working towards their next level of progress awards during the school holidays.
Lastly, Hathi reminded the cubs that for DJC Q3, they need to complete a proficiency badge (non-sports related) in Term 3 to attain the badge.
I am sure that all the cubs who attended today's meeting found it enriching and memorable!
