Games Day on 17August 2024

By Bilby Sixer Andre

On 17 August 2024, it was Games Day! I arrived early at around 8.30a.m. to sign off my badges. I was eager to start the meeting as I wanted to take part in the activities with my friends. As soon as it was around 9, the scouts got into our horseshoe formation. After that, we got into Indian file as fast as light. Then, Rama explained the activities we had to do that day.
There were 4 stations. Firstly, standing broad jump. Secondly, shuttle run for 50m. Thirdly, we had to skip for 50m and lastly, we had to sprint 50m. There was a point system: you get a maximum of 3 points per station and the lowest was 0. You must get at least 10 points out of the 4 stations to get a gold badge. For silver, we needed 8 points and for bronze, we needed 5 points.
Next, the pack was split into groups.
My group, Bilby, was paired with Echidna. We were then sent off to do the stations. Firstly, we did the standing broad jump which was pretty hard. The highest anyone got was 195cm. I got 190cm which got me 2 points. Secondly, we did shuttle run, I was up first and I aced it in 17 seconds. I had 3 points for this! Thirdly, we did skipping. I felt nervous about skipping as it wasn’t my specialty but at some point, I had to go. Despite my struggling, I persevered and managed to get 1 point at the last second.
Lastly, we did sprinting. I was confident. When it was my turn, I sprinted as fast as I could and got 3 points. I calculated my total points and I got……………SILVER!
I was delighted to get silver but then I also realised that I was 1 point away from gold.
Thereafter, we gathered in the Kidzone for a debrief by Rama. The younger cubs were dismissed for home while the P4s and P5s attended the briefing for our overseas trip to Malacca. After the briefing, we went home. I am already looking forward to the Malacca trip!
