
Showing posts from April, 2024

Household Chores on 27 April 2024

By Wallaby Assistant Sixer Zeqi Today, we learnt how to do basic household chores. The day started early in the morning when the Akela candidates headed off for their interview. Then, cubs started piling into the KidZone when it was eight thirty. At nine, we started the meeting. Since there was no sixer and senior sixers, assistant sixers had to take over their job to conduct the flag raising. Yichen and Dinesh was our acting senior sixer, and the rest of the assistant sixers were acting sixers. After the flag raising, Ikki told us the plan for the day. We were learning basic household chores. At first, many of us were not interested in it as they thought that they would never use this skill in their life. However, we soon came to understand the importance of this meeting. Before he briefed us on the stations, Ikki introduced three alumni to us. They were Abram, Miao Xin, and Luke. Luke was the one in charge of the clothes folding station, while Miao Xin took on the responsibility of o

First Aid Course on 13 April 2024

By Possum Sixer Favian Poh When we were done with the sunrise party, we got into Indian file and Ikki told us to bring our first aid kit. Then, Ikki went through what we must bring in our first aid kit and use other people’s first aid kit and show what is right and what is wrong. After that, we got split into groups for first aid - the 1st year cubs, 2nd year cubs, 3rd year cubs and the P6s. The new scouts learnt about basic first aid. They covered cuts, bruises, stings. They also learnt how to disinfect a wound and put on plaster. The 2nd year scouts recapped on how to disinfect a wound. They learnt how to tie an arm sling and a figure 8 bandage. The 3rd year scouts recapped on how to tie an arm sling. They learnt how to tie a head bandage. They also learnt how to immobilising a limb. During the P6 first aid, we recapped the head bandage and arm sling and tried to do it on our own. It was quite challenging for some of us but we managed to do it after many attempts. Then, we learnt a n