Amazing Trail is BACK!, 18th May 2013

Due to the SA1 examinations, it has been 3 weeks since the last scout meeting. All cubs arrived early exchanging smiles and greetings with each other.

Akela started the meeting sharing the GOOD news that the Amazing Trail 2013 will be happening on 29th June! Many cubs jumped for joy as it was previously announced that it may be cancelled. Next Akela gave out progress and proficency badges to some cubs. He then shared with us the top earners of this year job week and those who earned more than S$500. Akela also gave those of us who earned more than S$100 a special torchlight with the Singapore Scout logo.

Next, it was activity time. This week we created newspapers "mummies". Each six has to create 2 mummies using the newspaper provided. The challenge is that at the end of 1 hour, these "mummies" must be able to walk around and even have to perform without dropping or breaking the newspaper strips on them.

It was another fun-filled day for the cubs!
