Handover Ceremony, 14th July 2012

The day has finally arived for the current batch of Senior Sixers and Sixers to hand over their reins to the newly appointed batch. There was an air of excitement and anticipation - who are the new Sixers and who are the new Senior Sixers? Will they be as good as the present ones? Akela kept everyone waiting - he was more concerned about the Temporrary Farewell Ceremony for the P6 cubs who would be stepping down from scouting to prepare for PSLE. Akela taught the cubs how to form a Fireman's Chair - this would be used to carry (in a dignfied way) the P6 cubs symbolically from one end of KidZone to the other to signify  the temporary farewell. After demonstrating it with 2 Sixers, Akela got every one to practise it. Though some found it difficult, especially to carry those who are heavy, everyone found it fun.. When everone had a chance to practise it, Akela then broke the unit into individual Sixes (in groups of 2 Sixes), to allow the departing Sixers to play games of their choice with their Six. With such freedom came a lot of chaos, which was not helped by the rain which had fallen by then. Some Sixes played up to 3 games, while others couldn't quite decide what games to play - but in the end, as usual, the cubs had fun, in their own unique way! Soon it was time  for the Handover Ceremony - but first, Akela announced the names of the Assistant Sixers, followed by the Sixers, and finally the 2 Senior Sixers. There was a lot of back slapping, congratulatory cheers, surprised utterances, and loud applauses for the new appointment holders. Then came the Handover Ceremony, with the outgoing Senior Sixers handing over the Scout Flag to the incoming Senior Sixers, with quiet words of advice.This was followed by the Sixers of each Six, handing over the Six's flag and log book, together with words of wisdom for the new Sixers. Soon, it was time to carry the P6s across the KidZone - there was quite a rush to be firemen, even from cubs who surely didn't look capable of lifting the heavier seniors! Lifted they all did, although Akela, ex Pelican Jinh Wann and Raksha and Mdm Kerina had to lend helping hands. What a memorable time everybody had!
