First Hike on 23rd March 2024

By Bilby Sixer Zeyu

The first hike of the year was very exciting as we explored a beautiful nature reserve. The trail was only 4km long, so we thought it would be easy. But as we went further, we realized it was more challenging than we expected, and we discovered even more amazing things in nature.
Our expedition commenced at the picturesque Windsor Nature Park, where the air was filled with a sense of adventure and camaraderie. As we set off on our trek towards Upper Pierce Reservoir, the allure of the unknown and the promise of encountering diverse wildlife kept our spirits high.
The initial leg of the hike unfolded smoothly as we meandered through the dense foliage of the nature reserve. The tranquil surroundings echoed with the sounds of chirping birds and rustling leaves, creating a serene ambiance that invigorated our senses. Along the way, we were fortunate to witness a variety of animals, from playful monkeys swinging through the trees to colourful fish gliding gracefully in the nearby streams. A particularly memorable encounter was spotting a lemur lounging comfortably on a lofty tree branch, a rare sight that added an element of enchantment to our expedition.
Despite the captivating scenery, the tropical climate posed its challenges, with the heat and humidity intensifying as we progressed further into the wilderness. The dense canopy provided shade but also trapped the humidity, making the journey physically demanding for many in our six. Nevertheless, we pressed on, fuelled by the thrill of exploration and the camaraderie of fellow hikers.
After covering the initial stretch, we took a well-deserved break at the 1.5-kilometer mark, replenishing our energy with refreshing sips of water. The pause allowed us to appreciate the beauty of our surroundings and reflect on the experiences shared thus far.
Emerging from the forested trails, we found ourselves alongside a sprawling golf course, where the landscape transitioned into rolling hills and winding paths. The undulating terrain added an element of challenge to the hike, testing our endurance and perseverance. The relentless sun beat down on us as we navigated the ups and downs of the course, pushing our limits and forging a sense of accomplishment with every step taken.
As we approached the final stretch leading to Upper Pierce Reservoir, the terrain levelled out, offering a reprieve from the uphill climb. The sight of the tranquil reservoir waters was a welcome reward for our efforts, signalling the near completion of our adventure. The gentle breeze and cooler temperatures rejuvenated our spirits, making the last leg of the hike a delightful and memorable experience.
Upon reaching our destination, we gathered in our six to engage in an orienteering worksheet, putting our navigational skills to the test amidst the natural surroundings.
With the worksheet completed and a sense of accomplishment lingering in the air, we settled down for a well-deserved picnic by the reservoir. The spread of homemade treats and snacks was a testament to our collective efforts, enjoyed amidst laughter, stories, and shared memories of our exhilarating hike.
All in all, I think that this hike was an exciting one.
