First Scout Meeting 16thJan2021

Written by Foo Zhen Xi, Sixer & Scribe

“Ah yes, the first scout meeting after probably 6 months,” I muttered to myself as I waddled into school. It was the first scout meeting after only being able to see each other on our computer screens. Some people looked brain dead and gloomy and everyone else was excited to see their friends. I only have one scout achievement this year and it is to get my Akela award. There were new recruits joining us this year but the number of people joining decreased due to COVID-19.

We started the flag pole raising ceremony and our first activity began. Everyone sat in Indian file as the sixers and assistant sixers practiced folding flags for the flag pole. It was actually much easier to do than I thought. After that, we had six’s corner, where each six gathers in their own corner to discuss about things like badges. I helped Phoebe and Belle with their bronze arrow and briefed them through what they are supposed to do, luckily they understood the instructions easily. The new recruits were elsewhere having a briefing.

Later, we practiced our foot drill and marching just to refresh our memory a bit. I saw Isabelle, our old sixer of wombat and also my close friend watching from behind. Footdrill is tiring but I’m feel supreme doing it, especially when our feet makes the “bang!”sound when it hits the ground. We ended the day by playing some games and giving our badges. My friend Caitlyn got her gold arrow. The games were honestly pretty boring, we only played the bomb game which no one seemed to have the energy to play.

After sunset party, the sixers had sixers council with the assistant sixers and I left after Rui Min had to see the scribes.
