First Aid Training 4thJul2020

Written by Ker Rui Min, Sixer & Scribe 

Today, we were going to have an online first aid session! I was very excited as I logged on to the computer. I was starting to get used to the new normal as this was already our fourth online meeting.

As usual, we start out with the colour party. Even though there was no flag, we still said our scout promise and observed one minute of silence. After that, it was time to continue on our song journey. This week, we were learning a song from Malaysia. After listening to the song, we were told to go home and practice how to sing it.

Soon, it was time for first aid! We went through the contents of our first aid box and their basic uses. Then we had a short quiz. Before I knew it, it was time to leave the meeting. I could not wait for the next online meeting!
