Fun with Pasta, 19th August 2017

Written by: Joanne Koong, Sixer & Scribe leader

The Kidzone was bustling with excitement and laughter as the cubs talked excitedly about our activity that day. We were going to do art and craft!

We started our meeting with the Colour Party, along with the Grand Howl. We then moved into Indian file and Raksha briefed us on what we were going to do. She began by introducing 4 different types of pasta: elbow-shaped, long, shell-shaped and curly. Thereafter, Raksha instructed the sixers to collect the materials we needed for our activity -- pasta and a vanguard sheet with the pelican logo and our respective six names with the animal pasted on it. We were instructed to go to various areas in the Kidzone and start working on our projects.

Each six was given one hour to complete the task. After sitting down, I shared with my six what we could do and how we could go about completing our task. I divided my six into 3 groups of 2 - Trisha and I were in charge of the border of the vanguard sheet, Annika and Rui Min were in charge of pasting the pasta on the wallaby, and Minn Rei and Yee Hui were in charge of pasting the pasta on the pelican.

Time flew by in a whizz and we were left with fifteen minutes. Thankfully, my six had already finished colouring our pasta and were about to start cleaning up. Not long after, we were done and gathered back in Indian file. Some sixes had very creative ideas. Echidna arranged the pasta to represent the spines of the animal. The judges, our adult leaders, then voted for the winning art work. Following some careful consideration, our judges announced the winning 3 sixes.

After our excitement had died down, we assembled in horse shoe and had our Sunset Party.

Today’s activity taught me the value of division of labour and team work. When all members of a team cooperate and do his/her part, the task will be completed expediently.
