Recruit Camp & Annual Campfire, 21st January 2017

Written by Tricia Chan, Sixer & Scribe  

The recruits poured in to the Kidzone chatting happily, excited for their very first camp. The camp started off by splitting the recruits into groups, and assigning the assistant sixers to each group.

The recruits learned about the scout uniform, the scout promise, about scouting, and last but not least, about Baden-Powell, the founder of scouting.

All too soon, it was time for lunch. For lunch, the recruits cooked their own meal! They took their mess tins, filled it halfway full, and placed it on a portable stove to boil their ‘soup’. After the water boiled, the recruits dropped in their Maggie mee and seasoning.

When they were done cooking their lunch, they carried their lunch to the canteen to eat. However, they had to sign the tick-tock song before they could eat. After lunch, the recruits quickly washed their mess tins and assembled in Indian file. Then they were taught some scout songs in preparation for the campfire.

Soon, it was time for the campfire! During the campfire the recruits proudly sang all the songs that they learnt before the campfire. After the campfire, there were refreshments that consisted of a curry puff, an egg mayo sandwich, a chicken nugget, and a packet drink of our choice.

Then, we had a water bomb fight! The recruits were split into two groups. To get ten bombs, they had to answer a question about scouts. After the water bomb fight, the recruits showered and got ready to go to bed. They unrolled their sleeping bags and went to sleep peacefully.

The next morning, the recruits woke up and washed up, ready for their morning exercise, also known as Physical Training. After the morning exercise, the recruits had their breakfast. Everyone agreed that the raisin bread was the most delicious.
All too soon, the camp ended. We all have made friends with the recruits, and hope that they will stay with scouts for the rest of their primary school years.
