Badges... Badges... Badges... 23rd April 2016

Written By: Jasper Koh, Sixer & Scribe

It was a Saturday morning as we started our scout meeting as usual. We got into Indian file and adjusted our lines. Baloo then came and everyone greeted him. The first thing he asked us to do was to get the Sixers to sing the song “Bare Necessities” as we watched the “Jungle Book” book last week. When the Sixers got up, we only sang the song softly and Baloo got us to go back and sit down. Soon, he led the song and everyone started singing along loudly.

“Enough of singing, now let’s see if you were attentive and alert during the movie with a quiz,” Baloo said. The prizes were kites! One of the first few questions was : Who is Seethi? Lots of people thought Seethi was an elephant but it was revealed that Seethi was the actor acting as Mowgli. One of the hardest questions that no one answered was what the “Law of the jungle” was. It was actually a very long law and no one could answer it.

After the questions, we were divided into groups based on the arrows we got and what we target to get. We discussed with the adult leaders based on the requirements we had to do and they recommended some easy badges we can easily do. After that, we lined up in horseshoe and ended our meeting earlier at 11a.m. as there was an amazing trail briefing.

All the scouts went up to the pal room for the briefing. When we were there, Baloo announced that it was one of the cubs birthday, Thaarmin. We sang the birthday song and at the end of the briefing there were pizzas. Baloo started talking about the amazing and highlighted the key points. After the briefing, we went home and looking forward to the next scout meeting.
