Sixers Training Camp - Day 1, 5th July 2014

Cubs gathering in school
27 Cubs arrived at school for the start of their training to be a leader in the pack. 2 Cubs were unwell and couldn't attend, while 1 Cub decided to withdraw from the camp. 2 others had prior engagements and would report at the camp later in the day.

The Cubs were assigned their respective Six, Elephant, Giraffe and Hippo, while the weather was wet with light rain. It should soon clear up. Keeping fingers crossed!

Duty Senior Sixer for the day was Claudia Kong, while Duty Asst. Senior Sixer was Kwey Xiu Xi

Elephant was headed by Duty Sixer Nicholas Yee, assisted by Asst. Sixers Chong Min Wenn, Jessica Koong and Alexis Chow.
Giraffe was headed bu Duty Sixer Goh Zi Rong, assisted by Asst. Sixers Shawn Ng and Nicale Yee.
Hippo was headed by Duty Sixer Keith Tay, assisted by Asst. Sixer Cheong Yew Ming, Sarah Njauw and Goh Zi Kiat.

Folding a Flag
Service Scouts and Eagle Scouts were also on hand to assist the leaders in the camp. Baloo briefed the Service scouts on their duties and expected conduct during the camp. They were there to assist and help where help was needed. Baloo made it clear that the Service Scouts would be called upon to assist during the training sessions, and that they should brush up on their Scout Craft to be able to assist. 

On arrival at Terror Sea Scout Camp, Service Scouts and Eagle Scouts unloaded all our camp equipment while the Cubs fell in Indian File under some shelter. As it was still drizzling, tent pitching was postponed and Chil briefed them on the do's and dont's of the camp.

Kitchen Utensils

The Dining Room

Baloo revised the Grand Howl, Folding a Flag and Flag Break Ceremony with the Cubs. With Janice supervising, the Cubs were quick to learn the tricks to correctly fold a flag, and conduct a proper Flag Break, or Colour Party. Service Scouts Evan and Andrew were asked to demonstrate flag folding, but their flag turned upside down! What an embarrassment!

Tent Pitching

As soon as the drizzle stopped, the Cubs were led to their camping grounds to pitch their tents. Baloo demonstrated step-by-step how to pitch a tent, starting with securing the groundsheet onto the ground before fitting in the tent poles. With the main guy-lines in place, the tent was soon up. The last to come on was the fly-sheet. Eagle Scouts assisted and supervised the Cubs.

Baloo walked the Cubs through the Qualities, Duties and Responsibilities of a Sixer, using the acronym S-I-X-E-R. Many Cubs were enthusiastic and participated in the discussion.
Hone Sweet Home for the next 2 nights

Lunch was a delicious fish burger with egg and fruit salad to accompany.

Dome Tent all ready for moving in

Moving in

The following is a blog written by Service Scout Ethan Cheong:

I jumped out of my dad's car and slinged my bag.
It was the first day of the 2014 Sixer's training camp. I bid farewell to my parents and headed to the place where we were supposed to assemble.
After putting my bag down, I was called to go for a small little briefing by Baloo. He told us that we could not relax as much as the previous year and had to do quite a lot of work. After this briefing,  my fellow service scouts and I started to load our belongings onto the bus and then helped to carry the camp equipment from the meeting area to the bus.
Once we arrived, we put our bags in a corner in the cafeteria before heading to wash the cutlery, plates, bowls e.t.c.
After that, some of us went to peel the eggs, clean the tables and help make the burger. While the rest of us went to help with the pitching of the tents.
Once these two tasks were finished, we had a quick recap on how to do a Japanese Square lashing before having lunch constiting of a fish burger, eggs salad and cheese fries  ( brought by one of our fellow service scouts).
After lunch,  we assisted our fellow scouts from the 23rd Eagle scout group to help the trainees to make shoe racks.
Next, the trainees went on their 10 km hike. The service scouts were dismissed and were allowed to do anything we wanted.
After the hike, we had dinner before being dismissed again.
I personally hope that one of my current Assistant Sixers, Nicholas will take over my role as Sixer of Bilby. Yet I do hope that all the scouts in the camp can recieve a leading role :)
