1st Scout meeting for recruits, 19th January 2013

Written by: Justin Kong, Senior Sixer and Scribe Leader

Today was a very special day for all our new recruits. It was their very first scout meeting of their scouting life.

Today there were only Mdm Kerina, Kaa, the Sixers and three seniors. Sean Daily came to join us to support his sister who was joining as a recruit.

Once attendances were taken, Mdm Kerina made us do a brief introduction of ourselves. It was very important to pay full attention because the very first game depends on how well we remember all the names. In the “Who is behind the curtain?” game, our new recruit, Gautham, surprised everyone by being able to name each of every Sixer. No problem at all!

We had an exciting game of “Fixing the animal puzzle”. The three teams raced each other to complete the puzzle of animals and name each one. Surprisingly, the puzzles formed the 10 animals of our scout group! All three teams managed very well to complete the challenge. Sixers fired questions like “How do a possum sleep at night?”, “What are the colors of the kookaburra?”, “What is the average weight of a wombat?” etc. Wow, these recruits are pretty smart! But they have still a lot to learn from us.

Next our recruits show off their flexibility by moving the hula hop over a human chain. 1 hula hoop…2hula hoops…It was great fun! Everyone(even the sixers) had great fun and good time competing for the fastest team to finish the challenge. Great teamwork, guys!

Next, we Sixers show off our vocal talents by leading the recruits on some well-loved campfire songs(flea fly, the bee song, kookabara…) There were lots of laughter and smiles as we belt out one song after another.

Unfortunately, all good times have to come to an end. These recruits are all fun loving and great to have around. I can’t wait to join them at recruit camp.

See you all at recruit camp!

Busy fixing the animal puzzle

Well Done!

A game to get to know each other better

Song time - "Father Abraham"

Show down - Recruits vs Sixers

This is what we do when we says our
Scout promise
Horse Shoe
