
Showing posts from October, 2012

Akela Award Ceremony, 20th October 2012

Written by Justin Kong, Senior Sixer and Scribe Leader Was there a scout meeting? Nope! Donā€™t worry none of you missed a meeting. But to some of us, today would be the most memorable day in our cub-scouting journey. Having fulfilled all the given requirements, we joined 142 other cub scouts from all over Singapore in a simple yet significant ceremony to receive our Akela Award - the highest award a cub scout can achieve. 8 of us arrived in school at 1:00pm in our neat and tidy uniforms. After putting on the national scarf and a final check of our attire, we boarded the bus to Raffles Institution, where the award ceremony was held. Upon arriving at Raffles Institution, thousands of questions bombarded our mind. Will we pass the attire check? Is this the correct thing to do? Must we give a full salute or a half salute? We were clearly anxious. When entered the cold auditorium, we tried to find a row to sit together as we did not want to be split up in that giant place! Finally...

P6s - Air Rifle Shoot, 20th October 2012

Written by Eugene Lim, Sixer 2011-2012 and Guest Scribe It was yet another awesome day. The P6 scouts were going air rifle shooting at Nanyang Technological University. For some it was their first time in the range. We were greeted warmly by the NTU Shooting Team members when we arrived at the range. It was my first time shooting and all the equipment in the range were unfamiliar to me. We were first given lessons by the student instructors about the safety and the proper use of the weapons, then we were allowed to shoot them (I mean the weapons, not the instructors). We were split into 4 teams (a,b,c,d). After all the groups were done, we all participated in a shooting competition. There were various competitions for everyone and the objective was to score as many points as possible. After I was done, Akela asked Brendon,  Jeremy and myself to get some snacks and drinks for the P6. After we came back with the food everyone rushed for the chips and in a matter of ...

Night Hike, 13th October 2012

Written By: Justin Kong, Senior Six and Scribe Leader 5:00pm, Singapore, HPPS Pelican cub scouts strolled into school from many directions. I was one of them. As soon as I got to the General Office, I could feel the excitement of the gathered cubs. The reason was clear: It was many cubs first night hike! At about 5:15, Akela greeted us with a smile. He sure looked excited too! After the usual administrations, we boarded the bus with miles of smiles and reached our first stop, Henderson Wave, after a joyful 20 minutes. We started the hike all eager to see what we could experience that very Saturday. We moved quick and swift in a not-so-single file until we reached a point where we had a quick toilet break before continuing on the journey. Soon enough, we reached the Hort Park gate. By then some cubs were already grumbling over their sore legs so we took a much-needed short break. After a while, we continued the hike. The trail was turning dark so Akela asked us to be ca...
P6 Cubs - Bowling on 6th October 2012 PSLE is over, at last! It's back to scouting for the P6 cubs, starting with a bowling session at Jurong Superbowl last Saturday. See the fun they had last Saturday: