Scout meeting : Bunny Mask-making - 16 April 2011

Scout meeting- 16 April 2011

By Pelican Scribe Georgia Yew Kai Wen

Through our noisy chatter of what we were going to make for the day, a shrill whistle blew. Not long after that came the familiar voice of our senior sixer Brenda shouting “Horseshoe”! We stopped what we were doing and got ready eagerly for our weekly routine start of Horseshoe formation.

We were then told what we were going to do for the day - Making rabbit masks in celebration of Easter. Akela gave us clear instructions of how to make the rabbit masks and with our instruction sheets, we quickly settled down in our own corners. How exciting it was, making rabbit masks of all designs and colors! Almost finished, we heard...

“Ten minutes!” Brenda called out. Pressure started to mount. We quickened our pace, determined to turn in completed masks. Lined up in Indian file, we proudly displayed our handmade rabbit masks beside us on our right, hoping fervently that our masks would get chosen. That would mean extra points for our group! Baloo and Akela then walked around admiring our handiwork.

Akela and Baloo found some masks well made, some interesting and some which even had easter eggs or carrots thrown in! These creative works were chosen, with the owners either holding it in front of their faces or wearing it. After awarding these scouts with extra points, those of us selected to sing 'Heal the world' were sent to the AVA room to practice. Of course it was Baloo leading us as we tentatively sang the first few times.

It was a tough practice session and boy were we glad to race back to the kid-zone when it finally ended. To our dismay it was raining cats and dogs and we found that our bags and rabbit masks were thoroughly soaked! We cleared the sorry mess up and placed our bags neatly at a dry conner. Done, we began to get into Horseshoe formation to end yet another exciting day at Scouts.
